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More Rhyme and Reason

Poems and anecdotes from the heart of Cornwall

Clarice Westlake

The team at stdennis.org.uk are pleased to announce that Clarice Westlake's new book of poetry entitled "More Rhyme and Reason" is now available.
All proceeds from the book are being donated to Cancer Research UK.

To order your copy please visit


where you will also find more information about Clarice and her poetry.

Clarice Westlake was born in Callestick, Cornwall in 1930. As a young bride she moved to the clay country village of St Dennis, a rapidly changing area and way of life that has been captured in much of her work. She has featured on Radio Cornwall and regularly performs readings of her work across the county.

Clarice has been an active member of the St Dennis committee of Cancer Research UK since 1963. It is a cause close to her heart. Her first book " With Rhyme and Reason" sold 1,000 copies raising over £3,000 for the charity.
The new book will build on that success.

From Us to You With Love

on our 30th anniversary of St Dennis CRC

(now Cancer Research UK)

An extract from a poem in the book

Now gather round, my children, and listen to my tales

Of walks and talks, and knit ins, and giant jumble sales

It all began so long ago, in nineteen sixty-two

When you were all so very young, and we much younger too

It doesn't seem so long ago, that Ralph with his small clan

Thundered into action, and the mighty fight began

Of course, our eyes were brighter then, our skins were wrinkle free

But we're still in there fighting we are St Dennis CRC .....

stdennis.org.uk wish to thank Clarice for her kind permission to use extracts from her books and web site.